
Created in 2012, Fiona “Renaiss” Brown had a vision to change Hip Hop. She did not love the sound or musical arrangement and found it hard to listen to because she felt it lost its core soul of powerful, meaningful messages and intellectual lyrics.

Created in 2012, Fiona “Renaiss” Brown had a vision to change Hip Hop. She did not love the sound or musical arrangement and found it hard to listen to because she felt it lost its core soul of powerful, meaningful messages and intellectual lyrics.

Building Insoltric, Fiona started media coverages in 2014 -2016 for various music and fashion events because it was easier to enter the music industry and to network while she figured out how she would make her vision into reality. She also conducted a few interviews partnering with a business colleague in 2017.

Finding she was investing most of her time supporting others, she realized she lost focus on WHY Insoltric was created. So, Fiona took a major break of media and all industry events to work on herself financially, mentally and spiritually. From that break she kept seeing visions beyond her original vision, which resulted in constantly tweaking Insoltric’s overall mission and what she wanted Insoltric’s representation to be in the long run. During that time and now, the mission has massively changed that not only music artists, but all creatives can make a name for themselves no matter what industry they are in.

Finally feeling spiritually aligned in October 2019, Fiona figured out very distinctive ways how Insoltric will represent itself and stand for, including how she would personally impact lives. One of them is a better enlightened way to service not only conscious Hip Hop artists, but all creatives spiritually and mentally to boost their careers. Another is returning back to media as she calls it “Fun Media” covering all things fun and at times showing full of personality.

There are more to come with Insoltric Entertainment. Be patient and see what the future unfolds.

It Starts from Within